Saturday, December 4, 2010

10 Footnotes In Search Of A Context

  1. I bid.
  2. Nietzsche, one supposes, would disagree.
  3. See Dwight, Reginald. Couture In Retrogade, Norton, 1974, for a fuller, and more fulsome, survey of the problems to be encountered in such a contretemps. Better yet, throw caution to the wind and hike up your own skirt while sailing the Ruhr in October.
  4. Curious (sic) enough, this particular cat was done in not once, but nine times by indifference.
  5. One could argue to the contrary re the applesauce, but really, why? As for the bouillabaisse, it's pretty apparently moot, isn't it?
  6. "Opie, sit."
  7. cf. David Foster Wallace's oeuvre.
  8. Actually, it was in one of Holmes' less successful cases, involving a recalcitrant bootblack, when the great sleuth thought the whole case hinged on a globule of shinola only to have Watson correct him while pointing: "No, shit Sherlock." Alas, the comma seems to have drifted a tad coming down through the years.
  9. An iamb is unstressed stressed, a dactyl is stressed unstressed unstressed, an ill-placed wart is stress stress stress!
  10. Noboody proofs these these things.

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