Friday, January 7, 2011

69 Days Until St. Patrick's Day (Thanks Frank)

"Says I, 'It's past me ankles! Of course I can't make it into work today.'"

"Na to worry. O'Noahra's workin' on the ark."

"Two more hours of this and we won't be needin' to wade to the men's room no more."

"Drink up, boys. Closin' time's when it reaches me nipples."

"And they want to make this a dry county."

"Give us your paddle, Hannigan. You've had one too many."

"No Gatorin' without a life preserver now, McConnell."

"I said a dry martini!"

"Am I drunk or are those the cutest gills you've ever seen?"

"There are no seats at the bar. Would this atoll be okay?"

"Yeah, McGinty can sure hold his beer. But when he's gotta go, he's really gotta go."

"If this were snow, I might need me hat."

"Bloody Limeys."

"Ye certainly opened the floodgates with that one, O'Reilly."

"Here's to another successful Venice Theme Night, boys!"

"Fish, yes. Chips are gettin' a wee bit soggy, tho."

"I take it darts in the basement are right out tonight, eh Fitzgerald?"

"I'll hear no more of ye global warming natterings, Mulligan."

"There's a sea of people here tonight."

"God bless the first ape who learned how to drink with his hands instead of his feet."

"Sump pump? We've got Himself over there sucking up everyting in sight."

"Roll Tide!"

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