Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey Kitty, What's Your Name?

I am on record as being a steadfast non-lover of cats. Not a hater, mind you, just a definite, allergic, non-lover. So unless something um, cataclysmic occurs, I will never possess a cat or have to name one. And yet, I like a good challenge. So when I came across this quote from the English writer Samuel Butler--"The severest test of the imagination--is to name a cat"--on the same day--yesterday--when my horoscope said, "Tonight: Let your imagination rock and roll," I just had to take the plunge.

Now I'm not exactly sure why Butler finds naming a cat such a profound test of one's imagination, I mean, "Scat" seems to work fine for me for all cats, but in the interest of playing along, I pushed my imagination a bit and I think I've come up with some pretty imaginative, and, depending on the specific cat's look and personality, pretty apt cat names. So, please, feel free to use any of these suggestions when naming your next cat.

  • Allergen
  • Sneeze
  • Hives
  • Galore
  • Hep
  • T.S. Lloyd Webber
  • Newmar
  • GladIdon'tliveinChina
  • Felix Fermin
  • Harry Brecheen
  • O'Clysmic
  • Go Away
  • Lazy
  • Catullus
  • Chicago Fog
  • Bobo
  • Curiosity's Prey
  • 'skills
  • Tim
  • Canary Eater
  • Mandu
  • apult
  • Kibbles'n'Bits
  • Gene Hackman
All good names, I think you and Samuel Butler will agree. But after much deliberation and rocking and rolling my imagination to three encores, I've decided that if I ever do come into possession of a cat that needs a name, I'm going to name it
  • Dog
Dr. Horse-Jack, That Cat Was Clean


  1. "I've decided that if I ever do come into possession of a cat that needs a name, I'm going to name it


    You, Willie Klein from the band Mofungo, and Norma Tanega...

  2. Good company, I assume. Never said it was an original thought, but I had it all by myself.
