Monday, February 15, 2010

Twain Loved Him, Why Shouldn't We?

Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States, is this year's recipient of the Spitoutyourgum Our Kind of President Award. He was James Garfield's Vice President, succeeding to the presidency after Garfield's death. Despite the fact that Garfield had been assassinated, and the fact that Arthur suffered from Bright's disease, a serious kidney ailment, he served nearly four years without a vice president. He was  widowed less than two years before he became president and vowed never to marry again, even though when he left office, four women immediately offered to marry him. He died less than two years after leaving office. Mark Twain, no stranger to criticizing politicians, praised him. He was known for his fashionable dress, his re-decorating of the White House, and for civil service reform.

A while ago when trying to get to sleep one night, I tried listing all the presidents. Arthur was the only one I couldn't remember. My bad, he seems like a decent man and not-bad-at-all president.

Television Personalities-Arthur the Gardner


  1. You wrote about Chester Arthur and didn't mention one of the most interesting things about him: Howlin' Wolf was named after him.
    I don't know whether McKinley "Muddy Waters" Morganfield was named after the President who fell to an anarchist's bullet.

  2. All the more reason to love the man.
