Monday, February 1, 2010

Under The Weather

As opposed to being over it.

Or on top of it, bestride it, out in front of it, betwixt it, beneath it, immune to it, lagging behind it, on equal terms with it, side by side with it, hitching a ride on it, thumbing my nose at it, arm in arm with it, playing leapfrog with it, outrunning it, at war with it, surfing it, wrapping it around my finger, shunning it, reaching Detente with it, cursing it, rooming with it, catty-corner from it, pitching my tent with it, becoming one with it.

As if we in the Midwest aren't pinned under it like a hapless wrestler perpetually from December-February.

The term under the weather supposedly is a nautical one: when sailors were ill they were sent below decks, thus out of or more literally under the weather.

Don't cry for me, A.J. Colby, though. Tomorrow I should be back on deck swabbing away.

Mission Of Burma-Weatherbox

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